What our clients say about us.

We are a fairly modest bunch. We stopped entering design awards because we didn’t want it to look like awards were more important than delivering effective outcomes for clients. And we’re uncomfortable boasting about what we do or how successful that work might be.

Fortunately, clients often step forward and praise the quality of our work. So – blushing slightly as we do – we share some of those very kind words below.

John has a real talent for connecting the value of a technological solution with the value perceived by its buying audience. The work we did together in particular at Compac with the launch of Spectrim demonstrated the power of branding which, there is no doubt in my mind, contributed significantly to the $50M of Year 1 sales for the product, something I’m not sure has ever been achieved before in the history of a New Zealand technology launch.

M Riley, CEO, Compac

I wanted to follow up on our experience since working with you and the team at Everything Design. From the outset you helped us to establish a clear pathway for our marketing transformation, whilst assisting us to achieve best value for our spend and avoid costly mistakes and wasteful spending.
You have gathered an impressive team and the breadth of business knowledge and corresponding subject matter experts that you brought to our specific project has been outstanding.
To top it off, the results that we have seen have far exceeded our expectations and more than delivered on everything that you promised. I could not recommend Everything Design more highly to any future client.

Kelvin Hyland, Managing Director, Ossis Limited

 John engaged with Endace as we exited the GFC and made a concerted effort to raise our profile in the US market. A complete new image was developed, which energised our go-to-market in the key US marketplace; we captured Apple and Google as customers, and ultimately achieved our strategic goal of exiting the company to Emulex (NYSE:ELX) for a very strong exit multiple.”

CEO, Endace Limited.

As a rapidly growing engineering-driven technology company, Compac was transforming becoming an international brand, ready to launch its next generation product. John, and Everything Design, led this group of engineers through a rebranding exercise that focused on expressing our core value proposition and clearly differentiated us from the competition (and created a few copycats).
The new company branding coincided with Everything’s bold industrial design of our new flagship product, now a common name used throughout the industry. John led us through the process and created new value that we would never have realised if left to our own devices. His legacy is now with us five years and continues to deliver.

Ken Moynihan, CEO, TOMRA Compac

Credit is due to Everything Design’s owner, John Varcoe, for his [team’s] superb brand design. All this preceded what was about to happen in North America – where the [Smitten] apple was about to experience stardom.

Dr Brett Ennis, CEO, Prevar Limited